Sunday, February 4, 2024

January 2024 in Review


Almost immediately after my NYD trail ride I got hit with something that wasn't Covid and turned into Pneumonia complete with fever, awful body aches and just general exhaustion. I managed a total of 7 rides, several of which were lessons with Chriss. We're working on refining how I use my aids now that I've been doing less of my old, bad habits. Gwyn is traveling straighter, more often and really starting to have longer stretches where she's lifting through her back and seeking contact. My goal now is to offer a centered place for her to find, so that I'm not carrying her. 

The biggest thing I've identified is a fairly significant twist that leads me to always have my left shoulder, hand and hip too far back. When I only have time for a short ride, I tend to spend the time just focused on body positioning to break my muscle memory. 

I've also worked on breaking that habit by riding on the buckle and turning Gwyn off of seat only. I can't turn her effectively unless I really have balanced seat bones and untwisted hips/shoulders. I also have to remember to not look more than two or three steps ahead of Gwyn (another bad habit that I picked up from the very broad instruction of "look where you're going" where I basically end up looking all the way across the arena. 

I just want to brag at how much her body posture has changed. WAY less underneck in use!

Leche Countdown T-19 days!

I have dates set to travel to California to pick her up! She's been getting A+ on her report card from WSS. She's a smart, sensitive kid who is blossoming within the training program. I'm really excited to get to meet her. I've been slowly putting together a few essentials for her and will probably discuss that once it's all assembled. 

First time wearing a saddle! She didn't like it at the canter and was bucking, which was ADORABLE.

And her first time wearing a bridle!

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