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Monday, August 17, 2020

HHSC Dressage Schooling Show

I had wanted to attend one or a few of these schooling shows since I used to volunteer on the board of HHSC (Hollywood Hill Saddle Club). The pandemic threw into question whether the series was even going to go forward, and I was really excited that they were able to figure out Covid safe protocols for at least one show. Entries were restricted and we were encouraged to leave as soon as we were done. I decided to sign up at the last minute and ended up snagging the last few test slots. M, from the barn, was also going with her gelding Finn. We did not trailer together because she was worried that Finn would attach himself to Gwyn. A second barnmate came to be our test reader.

I brought Pivo to be my videographer and it did okay. I'll have a more thorough review of it once I use it more than three times. Each time I learn a little more about ideal placement and it was not in an ideal placement for a morning dressage test, given the light angle. But I didn't have much control over placement since my test reading barnmate was bringing it in with her. It caught most of two of my Intro tests. After that, my phone had 11% battery left and I gave up. 

Stuffing her face and being just chill
Warm Up:
My test schedule for the day was nice, Intro A, then B, then C with about an hour between each test. I knew that once I asked Gwyn for canter, she would get really sensitive to aids and want to offer canter as the answer. So I decided we weren't going to canter until after Test B was over and our warm up would consist of LOTS of bending and asking her to come into contact from the walk and trot. I also knew that she tends to be better about contact if I wear spurs. So that's what I did. 

Overall, I was really pleased with her brain in warmup. She was very relaxed all day in general and the chill nature of the show definitely helped. She was nothing like the horse I had at the Donida Schooling show and our scores definitely reflected that. More on that. 
Screen shot from Pivo. It was set at E and I think it would have been better at K given the sun. Plus then it would have a harder time sticking onto horses in the warm up. 

The show ended up running a bit late which was fine. I more kept track of the order of go rather than my time slots. When it was my time to do my first test I just walked Gwyn around the arena, letting her see the tent with the judge and scribe. She didn't care about the pop up tent, which I expected given that I've put her under one. Better to be safe than sorry though. Just as a "Hey, this end of the arena has a blue tent with humans"

Intro A: 
My goal for this test was to replicate the moments of contact we're getting at home in the show setting and I absolutely achieved that goal! It felt so good to have her relax and drop her head into contact. 

Scores ranged from 5.5 to 7
1. Enter Working trot rising, medium walk - 6.0  S + E in trot (not sure what that means)
2. Track right, working trot rising - 6.0   Need bend in corner
3. Circle right 20m, working trot -  6.5 Haunches fall to inside but circle round
4. Change rein (diagonal) - 6.0 Haunches falling right
5. Circle left 20m working trot - 5.5 watch left leg, haunches falling in , circle slightly small
6. Medium Walk - 7.0 (no comment)
7. Free Walk - 6.5 Good swing, steps could cover more ground
8. Medium walk, down center line - 5.5 over eager, jigging some
9. Halt and salute - 7.0 S + E

You can see the warm up behind us

Collective marks were average with a few key words circled. 2 5.5s and 4 6.0s Comments included Haunches falling in , watch legs from going back to cause this. 

Further remarks:
Attractive horse! Has tendency to be a bit tight in back, work for more overall suppleness. Watch haunches in on circles and corners

My thoughts? I know when I go to apply leg I have a bad habit of sliding my leg back, or lifting my heel, I think? So that's something to keep in mind. We probably have a host of biomechanic things that I need to fix in myself, honestly. 
I really love this moment. 
Final total score: 60.63% for 4th place

Mandy and Finn

Intro B:
Again, my big goal was to achieve moments of contact, which has been our big breakthrough of late. 

The sun was in a better position for Pivo but I still didn't get the whole test recorded.

More of this, Gwyn, please.
Our scores were very similar to the first test though just a touch lower. We need generally better bend, she was against the hand in the medium walk before the free walk. We had good ground cover in our free walk but could show more consistent stretch. She was hurried in her trot and drifted slightly coming down the center line to halt. 

Collective comments were better overall, the trot lacked regularity at times (yeah, she wanted to canter and I was trying to keep her from rushing), tense in the back. 

Horse tries hard for you! Needs to develop better confidence and suppleness over back - should help with bend and balance

Overall score: 60.31% for 4th place
My show jacket was hella wrinkled so we just upped our matchy game: Lemieux bonnet and saddle pad with Kerrits shirt and my EPSR purple and black breeches.

YES! The fact that I can screen grab this amazing moment (Elbows tho...) speaks volumes. I used to not have any like this. 

Turn down center line

Halt through medium walk, salute
Intro C and Canter Warm Up:

 I cantered both ways briefly and then mainly focused on walking more and changes of direction, with some trotting to just work on lateral movement and respect for my leg. 

My goal was to stay in the arena with our canter circles, since the first one would be at A... and.... well...

It didn't go as well as I'd hoped. But it also wasn't' all that bad either. We did exit at A for the canter but I got her right back in and continued. Our score dropped about 4% for that, which is fair. I should have been eliminated. But it's a schooling show, so I'll take the little bits of grace given to me. 

Lots of comment about needing more bend.   Transition in and out of canter "a bit explosive" LOL  While I think her free walk stretch is pretty good, they want it more consistent. Then straight and balanced for the final center line. 

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