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Sunday, March 15, 2020

Trail Riding is Social Distancing

I have had a week.  I haven't really talked about my new job on this blog, but suffice to say that things just went heads over heels this past week and I ended up being at work for 12 hours on Friday and still wasn't able to get everything done on top of the emergency stuff that popped up.

So I was beyond ready to social distance myself in the woods on the back of a horse on Saturday. And that's just what I did.

I went to Lord Hill with two barn mates. One is riding a 5 year old pony mare who's only been under saddle for 9 months, the other was on her OTTB who was on his 3rd trail ride ever. Riding with them was definitely different from how Cortney and I usually traverse the trails, but honestly, I needed something more mellow where Gwyn could be the steady eddy (and she was foot perfect).

Scoots are still working well. I'm going to have to shim the other foot but no other issues.
 We had a minor hitch malfunction before we left the barn but thankfully got it sorted with some help and WD-40 that I always keep in my truck. Always.
"Hey, I know those horses..."
 We got to the trail head around 11am and quickly tacked to go.
There may have been a lot of retail coping this past week. I have no regrets.


Looking up one side of the pipeline

Gesturing up the other side "There's a horse only loop out here somewhere..."

M and I 

I. needed to retrieve her crop. Thankfully she has a pony sized creature

Giving the baby a chance to try leading the group

Right before M and Finn had issues going downhill and M swears she was about to die.  Then we realized the trail was blocked by a giant downed tree.

Back to the pipeline

I found the horse trail!

And may have found a trail in progress. It wasn't bad. But Finn pulled a shoe and everyone else swore they were about to die because of narrowness/hills. So we backtracked.

Lake/pond view

The sun came out after we got off. The mountains were pretty.

Gwyn dragged me into her paddock so she could eat. Obviously starved...

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