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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Taking advantage of the light

I decided to lunge before feeding last night as the arena had dried some more and the footing seemed decent in one half of it. Gwyn totally took down those standards when she decided to take the poles. Clotheslined them with the lunge line and just kept going. Sometimes she has no fear. Sometimes.

Both she and Saffron just tore around in glee. I think they were delighted to have footing that wasn't super muddy or slippery. I did get some nice work in the end in the side reins on the loosest setting. Gwyn was wearing her side pull as well.

I do need to get the chiropractor out again for an adjustment. She's still bunny hopping with the hind legs in the canter or just totally on the wrong lead behind. But she has no problems reaching under in that giant trot of hers.  At the very least I'm going to make sure we do cavaletti and hill climbs to try and get her using her back appropriately since I think that's what will help in her canter.

Anyone have other suggestions? I'd love exercises both in hand and under saddle to use.

 This has been a constant and several trainers now who have seen it seem to think she's lame but her lameness eval and xrays from last year say otherwise. I think it's a muscle weakness issue.


  1. How was her SI joint in the lameness evaluation and x-rays? I can't remember. From what I have seen with horses that bunny hop in the canter, it is related to the SI joint.

    1. They did an adjustment at the lameness eval and it was out. They adjusted it back and we did a round of Adequan.

  2. She looks happy to be able to move out. Did your vet think a SI injection would be of any benefit?

    1. They didn't mention it at the time. They'll be out again on Thursday so I'll be checking in with them on that.

  3. no suggestions here. my last mare always, consistently, every time, would cross canter while lunging. was normal under saddle tho. canter wasn't her best gait anyway, and eventually we did start having problems that made me wonder about soundness behind, but i was never allowed to pursue evaluations, so who knows. strength building always sounds like a good idea tho!

  4. Ramone liked to cross canter when lunged or free lunged but it was just his own crookedness on his own, undersaddle if you kept him straight he was fine.
