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Monday, April 2, 2018

Hoof Stuff

While I wait for my Megasus Horserunners to arrive...

Not my picture, from an article about them.

Shipping has apparently started, but I've got my first CTR of the season coming up in THREE WEEKS! These suckers are coming from Austria so I really don't trust that I'm first priority and then add in crossing customs... Yeah. They're going to arrive the Monday after Brighton, I guarantee it. Or the Saturday I'm off camping.

With that, and some cracks that I'm keeping an eye on on Gwyn's feet (these freeze/thaw weather shifts have been hell even with her super Biotin supplementation...) Hoof protection is recommended by ride management and while we managed 15 miles last year barefoot, another 10 miles could do more damage.

But Gwyn has GIANT feet. It looks like Renegade Vipers would fit, Scoot Boots don't come large enough. That is disappointing because Vipers don't come in purple but Scoots do. And purple is my THING.

I'm worried that my measurements won't be good enough for a good fit the first time through, so I'm not willing to start spending mucho dollars on hoof protection, especially when a much more customizable option should be arrive ANYTIME.

Me waiting for the email notification that my purchase has been shipped.....

With that in mind, I ordered some Hoof Armor for intermediary protection. I'm actually wondering if this will be sufficient protection over all. It should at least work to protect those cracks I'm worried about.

So yeah, that's been going on. But on the plus side, Renegade was really helpful and totally answers emails promptly when you send them pictures of your horses feet. And if anyone has a lead on used 150x150 vipers, I'd love to chat with that seller, regardless of color.

I'm also likely going to look into making sure their diet is properly balanced for good hoof growth. I can load Biotin as much as I want and it won't make a difference if there's a limiting reagent (yay chemistry!) preventing the uptake of what I'm feeding.


  1. There were two women who attempted Travis a few years back with just hoof armor. They got pulled but not for lameness issues. It will be interesting to see how it works for you.

    1. It's pretty cheap compared to boots, so if it ends up working for me I'll be really happy.

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah, the company that makes them is in Austria. All of their updates are in both english and what looks like german to me.

  3. Those shoes look super cool. I've never seen them before.

  4. Fingers crossed everything arrives in time!!
