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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

In Which I Was Guilted...

This is my view when I get home from work. I pull into the driveway, stop by the road and grab the mail. The left and the right pastures are currently resting and waiting for summer. Also, keep getting longer days, keep it going!

What you can't see though, maybe in this picture, is now zoomed in below...

We see you.

I was watched. The whole time. So after dinner I went out to feed before the kids were ready for bed. Because they had seen me come home.

I still want to get Saffron at full blast when she's impatient about food. But this is her "I'm excited I'm about to be fed" sounds. It's so much softer than the typical donkey bray. It's kind of sweet. I've really fallen in love with donkeys because of her. It's a soft, breathy thing.

I like my nights in the barn. It's peaceful. And Gwyn checked in with me, just a nose to my hand as I said good night, but she stepped away from alfalfa to do it, so that's a pretty big thing in my book, lol

Saffron's kind of aloof, but she doesn't jump under my touch anymore. And I try and work it into the normal routine whenever I go into her stall. A rub on the neck, patting her back. A soft pressure to move her out of my way when I come in to fill her water because she's an ass like that. (har har)