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Thursday, June 27, 2019

First Ride Back

Now that I'm back with Cortney, shenanigans can resume. She's already roped me back into a riding lesson with Jim. I'm not upset about this at all.

On Sunday we had been invited out for a welcome back dinner with her family and we arrived early to go on a quick trail ride and introduce Kaylee to Comet.

Gwyn should never ever give cows side eye again. *famous last words*
 I do need to figure out what settings handle PNW trail good on the phone. I do have some manual settings in the camera and it's going to be necessary. Last time I had a point and shoot digital camera. The blurriness is bothering me A LOT.

The road trip has really strengthened the herdboundness of Gwyn and Saffron. I have not tried fully separating them yet and I'm not sure it would be healthy or safe to even do so. As such, Saffron also went on her first trail ride.

We pulled out Comet, Gwyn and Saffron and Cortney trailered Splendid to her mom's. Splendid is an old hat gray arabian mare who doesn't take shit. She was Gwyn's first boss mare when we initially moved to Washington. She's also super duper in love with Saffron and Saffron couldn't care less. It's made for an interesting love triangle since Gwyn very much remembers and loves Splendid while Saffron just wants Gwyn.
 We opted for a western saddle for the pony and started with Cortney ponying Comet and me ponying Saffron. Saffron decided this wasn't acceptable and yanked the lead rope away and decided to be a free trail going donkey.

Kaylee got a quick crash course from Cortney and still was too timid/unconfident in steering. Comet was in a hackamore and when you do halt him, he's very good. You just have to actually whoa him. Baby steps. This is different from Gwyn, whose default is to return to me and stop when Kaylee rides her.
Blurry, loose, VERY HAPPY, donkey
 We stuck to the road that Trudy (Cortney's mom) lives on. It's gravel/dirt, and it's only traveled by the people who live down it, which is limited and comprised of a lot of horse owners/people familiar with horses on roads. Gwyn handled the cars really well.  I was pleased.
Catching the donkey who is visiting the neighbors
 We didn't go out for long. The big gravel was super ouchy for Gwyn at the very end of the road. I need more hoof armor and probably boots. We switched who was ponying. Splendid was getting iritated with Comet, but Gwyn was in love. IN LOVE. Like, stopping and peeing all the fucking time in love after I started ponying him. WTF Gwyn.
A wild Kara dog, who loves trail rides
 However, ponying this way went really well. And once Saffron realized that she still got to go with if she was ponied, she also started cooperating. I think she's going to become a trail donkey with Cortney.
"I love you, Comet." - Gwyn  
 It was short, but so nice to get on. And as we started untacking, the rain arrived. But it was Washington rain, so we just got misted on mostly.
Maybe if I rub my itchy face on his saddle he'll love me back? - Gwyn, probably

"I love you..." - Gwyn

"I love you, donkey," - Splendid

Gwyn snoz
I'm still looking for my more permanent home for Gwyn, but still can't commit anywhere until the house sells. I really hate limbo, and I hate not even being in our rental yet. Soon. Sooooon. But the riding lesson will happen even before we get to move in there.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you guys are settling in and getting that saddle time!
