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Thursday, January 4, 2024

Looking Ahead 2024

 I don't think that my goals this year are going to be horse show focused. Unless I'm borrowing horses, I won't have an animal that will be ready to do anything significant. I'm mentally mapping out my stress points for the year and right now there's a giant wall in February and March and it makes it hard to see past those months to properly determine what I can commit to or how much it'll burn me out. 

In 2023 I finally stuck with tracking and posting to PonyUp100 on Facebook and rode or worked with Gwyn 105 times over the course of the year. I've rejoined that group because I like the accountability it provides. These may not be all horse related, but I'm going to include them here for general tracking of things. 

Because of my various neurodivergencies, I'm always so wary about goal setting for new habits. Some of these will be continuations of things I already know are possible with my current schedule. 

1. I am aiming for 100 working sessions with Gwyn in 2024. Working session can mean many things. It could be groundwork, grooming her, riding her, handwalking. I'm trying to temper my goals with the knowledge that we're still not all clear from the vet and that she may be borrowed as a therapy horse at some point this year. 

New Years Eve ride

2. I am aiming for 100 working sessions with Leche in 2024. This one may be more challenging because I'll have less months to achieve my 100 with Leche but I still think it's worthy and possible.   

3. Sit on Leche by my birthday. She'll be over 3 at that point. I think it's a low stakes good goal to have. 

Reported as "Very challenging and very rewarding. Weird combo of feral and spoiled with BIG FEELINGS. Smart as hell and an innately good disposition"

4. Maintain my DuoLingo streak. I've got a 566 day streak currently while working on Swedish. I want to keep that up. 

Colorado river just downstream of the Hoover Dam, Nevada on the right, Arizona on the left

5. Volunteer for at least two horse shows. 

6. Pony Leche on three trail systems. 

Like Bridle Trails (From New Years Day)

7. Purposeful movement at least once a week. 

8. Solo stretching at least once a week. 

9. C2 Horse Management Rating: This is a stretch goal, I think, and fully dependent on my burnout. Definitely a later in the year type of activity.