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Monday, October 31, 2022

Pony Club Ratings, The Reprise

True to my original stated goal that if Gwyn was lame, it wasn't going to stop me from working on Pony Club stuff.... I did it!  As soon as our club asked if anyone was interested in C level ratings, I jumped on my chance to get back to being a full C-1.  All I needed was to take the Horse Management portion of the C-1 rating since only my riding level transferred. 

The exam was scheduled for this past Saturday, Oct 29.  I prepped early and often, I had my record book thoroughly filled out thanks to these posts and my habit of always gps logging when I ride or taking at least one photo. All of my rides or horse things needed to be documented for at least 6 months. 

I made kick ass flash cards but should have started on them sooner, honestly. I didn't actually study MUCH with them. I do want to proceed through with the Horse Management ratings so it might be a good idea to start working on these now since it was a major effort to get it pulled together. Those spiral bound note cards are perfect especially if you put the answer on the back so you can flip through and quiz yourself. 
The night before I was going through making sure I had my pin, coat, shirt, etc. Now I'll feel better about putting felt behind my pin to indicate my level (spoilers!)  but this is the first time I've worn some of this gear since I bought it! I found amazing deals during the pandemic and promptly stopped showing. 
For whatever reason I couldn't find any of my belts so I whipped one up really quick that coordinated with my jacket (navy backing with purple and white) thanks to a long ago tutorial on blogger land.
This was also my inaugural test of my hi-tie! It was installed while I was in North Carolina on a work trip back in March and I had surgery and hadn't been out to use it!  Gwyn loved it and had no problems, but she also generally prefers a hi-line over being tied at the trailer.
Mostly tacked up, I went with the purple pad (and peep the blogger made saddle cover) and a shiny pony. 
Spiffy and almost ready to go. I was reviewing how to do safety checks and realized my own helmet chin strap was woefully loose so I adjusted that quickly. 
The other adult member running through her questions with our examiner, Peaches. Also Hazel the morgan mare who did great! 
Part of the exam was applying two stable bandages on diagonal legs front and back so Gwyn got to demonstrate that as well. After this Gwyn got to just chill out at the trailer like she was camping. I hung around, even though I was technically done, to act as ground crew and assist the examiner. And of course to cheer on my fellow teammates!
The junior member performing a tack and safety check on Robyn and Hazel. We all safety checked each other. 
Robyn and Hazel looking spiffy in their riding portion! They also did a dressage C-1 rating. 
Final questions outside as we all recognized that the horses were just done with being in the indoor arena. 
Group photo!
And congratulations to us! We all passed! 
Checking how well I did on the stable bandage.